Многая и благая лета!

2 ноября 2017 by Paul

Happy Birthday Reb!!!
С радостью поздравляем c днём рождения отца основателя лейбла 
Wild Records  Рэба Кеннеди!
LETS GET WILD!!!!!!!!!!

«What makes a wild Recording band,
A wild records band is a band that loves Rock n roll music This does not mean 1940s 1950s 1960s ++ But Music with fire,soul,and honesty , Music not of the past but music for today and the future,
It also does not mean having to have the same haircut as others or wearing the same clothes,The most important thing is to be a individual that is true to themselves.
If this is you or your band we wanna hear from you.»
Reb Kennedy


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